Empowering Your Journey to Optimal Health and Transformation

A word about Health Coaching, written by
Dr. Christopher Lawinski, MD
I have a lifetime of training in health, wellness and medicine, including graduation from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine in 2006, and the University of Hawaii Family Medicine Residency Program in 2009. I also hold a Board Certification in Integrative and Holistic Medicine, and have engaged in countless hours of self study and certification in Integrative Medicine and Wellness throughout my 14 years of clinical practice as a physician.
The Boards of Medicine in each State issue licenses to professionals in order to regulate and supervise the professional practice of medicine in their respective State. Therefore, practicing medicine in multiple states requires multiple licenses, and obtaining each one is a costly and arduous process. That is why I have made the decision to practice medicine exclusively in my home State of Hawaii.
Health Coaching, in contrast, is an unregulated industry and so does not require a license to practice and can be practiced anywhere in the world without direct regulation or oversight by State medical authorities.
Therefore, even though I am a fully trained physician treating complicated diseases out of my home base here in the State of Hawaii, when practicing outside the state of Hawaii, and with clients whose primary residence is outside the state of Hawaii, my work falls within the realm of Health Coaching only.
As a health coach, I cannot provide medical advice, and cannot diagnose or treat any disease. In this capacity, I also cannot prescribe medicine or lab testing. However, using my years of experience in clinical practice, I can guide you on how to get what you need for yourself, and can recommend nutrients and lifestyle interventions to empower you for your greatest health and transformation.
Instead of treating disease, my health coaching focuses on performing a Whole Person Reset: Optimizing the Human Potential in the realms of Wellness, Health, and Spirituality. Ideally, health coaching consultations are performed within the context of my Reset Retreat Experience.
If you are interested are in my “Whole Person Reset” approach and reaching your maximum potential in Wellness Health and Spirituality, then please contact me today.”

Dr. Lawinski is available for Health Coaching Consultation
Initial consultation:
$350 one hour
Follow Up Consultation:
$150 for half an hour
*Other health coaching packages are included in the customized retreat curriculum